Ladder Tape For Shades
Ladder tap[e is easy to add to the shade and stacks up nicely.
You tack it at each ring (and for lighter weight shades you could omit rings) and then weave the lift cord through the "ladder".
You can use any size shade lift cord with the Ladder tape
The spacing has to meet cord safety standards of course. (suggested 8 inch spacing)
You can stop the ladder tape at the uppermost ring. I tie it off to the top and bottom rings.
A large upholstery needle makes threading the shade cord through the ladder tape easier.
White Spooled Ladder Tape
30 Ft Roll 1/4" wide and 5/8" approximate spacing.
150 Ft Roll 1/4" wide and 5/8" approximate spacing.
1000 Ft Roll- 1/4" wide and 5/8" approximate spacing.
Roman Shade Ladder Tape complies with fabricating Safe shade products.
Custom Shades Level 1 at Workroom Tech